Friday, August 10, 2007

Easiest way to insert image into oracle database

I have had requirement to store some signature files of USERs in oracle database. So we can display that signature on Letter when we generate reports from BI Publisher. I tried two methods and both worked fine as expected.

Method 1 (Standard way):

First we need to create directory on the database server to store files on it.
Create or replace directory as TEMP_DIR '<database server path>/temp'

Now copy all the files to that directory.

Sql>create table reader(reader_id varchar2(10),signature BLOB);
Sql>Insert into reader (reader_id) values ('01');

Create Procedure to update table with signature file.

CREATE OR REPLACE procedure user_signature(v_id IN number)

v_bfile bfile := BFILENAME('TEMP_DIR', 'sign.JPG'); --first parameter in all caps, second is case sensitive
v_lob blob;
select signature into v_lob from reader where reader_id = v_id for update;


Now run it with sql plus
SQL> exec user_signature('01')

or in TOAD (sql editor)


Method 2 (Easiest way): Need TOAD !!!

Select table from schema browser and click on data tab.

Double click on signature data (HugeBlob) (Hint: Not all cap in BLOB data)
Now you'll see following window. See data length is displayed as zero.
At the top-left corner of window you can see "Load a File" icon. Just click on it and it will ask you for file location.

Once file is loaded you can see data length is displayed as 4664

(Hint: now BLOB data dispalys as in all caps letters i.e HUGEBLOB)

Ohhh, It's done !!! now what ?
If you want to copy file on your local hard disk which is stored in oracle database then just do double-click on BLOB data and click on "Save to File" icon at top-left side of window (second icon).


Anonymous said...

Thanks man!, This is really useful for developer who doesn't have directory access on server.

Robacle said...

This is useful code!

I wonder though what in your procedure makes that the image is actually stored in the table. I only see a 'select for update' but no 'real' update anywhere. Am I missing something here?

Mano said...


This code very useful for me. thanks lot. keep it up.


Anonymous said...

This was very useful. I have not been able to find the answer on how to load file present on the client machine into a BLOB column using a pl/sql program. Similar to what you have done using TOAD.

A Mummy Diary said...
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Anonymous said...

The posted code generated this error
ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: invalid LOB locator specified

The blob field needs to be initialized by this :
Insert into reader values ('01', EMPTY_BLOB());

Unknown said...

good one. new to blobs in oracle and this helped me out